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Beware of Website "TRAP"

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Beware of Website "TRAP"
Nowadays, we are facing with a lot of threat like Trojans, spyware worms when surfing the Net. The people out there who claim themselves as hackers became more “creative” to exploit the technology. They are using many different ways to cause us a lot of troubles during surfing like installing spyware that can slow our computer’s performance, stealing data and etc.

Today I am going to tell you most popular Website “trap”.

1) FakeWebsite
-For your information, “fake” website is usually used to steal our private data.
-Its hard to differentiate between the real web and fake because the interface is exactly the same.
-This fake website usually sent by email(spam), telling you to update yur account information or telling you that your account encounter some problem. So in order to fix the error or update your account, they provide LINK (fake link )in the email.
-If you click the link, you will be brought to the fake website. And if you giving your address, credit card number, hp no then your Done…

2) “Bad” Websites
-These websites usually directly infect or attack your computer.
-In order for them to begin their action, modern language of browser must be installed.
They are Java, javascript, or ActiveX.

3) Popup Windows
-Popup windows that suddenly appears during surfing is the other way for spyware to enter your computer. I’m always get this popup. What about you guys? If you surf a lot, I’m sure you will find it.
-These popup usually content some messages, like “you’ve win the lottery” , “your computer has been infected by spyware and in order to get rid of it you must click the popup” , “free screensaver” and many more.
-If you click “OK”, at that time spyware automatically enter your system without being noticed.

4) Creative Version of Popup Windows
-This is the evolution of popup windows. This popup usually has nice Close Button( X ). Usually when you see this button, you will click on it to close the popup.
-You are totally wrong. When you clicked X, it will start the process of downloading some data and may be dialing some unknown services that, high charges services.
-When you received this kind of popup, what should you do ? Here’s the solution.
Close the popup with the keyboard combination “Ctrl + W”.

5) Hidden Link
-There many ways to attached Trojans or spyware in mp3 files or video files
-There are some cases that the downloaded mp3 files come with hidden link.
So, when you try to play the mp3 files using media player or winamp, your browser may be open a few windows or popup that contain ads.
-Just remember, on the Net spyware is everywhere.

I think that’s all. Hope this tips will give you some guide when facing the same problem as I state above. Tell your friend about this. Protect your privacy !...

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