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Test Drive Microsoft Office 2007 !!

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Test Drive Microsoft Office 2007Want to experience the thrill of Microsoft Office 2007, without installing it??.
Yes Microsoft has launched its Office 2007 Test Drive.
You can have the test drive for:
* Microsoft Office Access 2007
* Microsoft Office Excel 2007
* Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007
* Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
* Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager
* Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access
* Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007
* Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007
* Microsoft Office Publisher 2007
* Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
* Microsoft Office Visio 2007
* Microsoft Office Word 2007

Test Drive Microsoft Office 2007
Basic requirements to make the test drive are,* Windows 98, 2000 and XP
* Internet Explorer 5.5 and later
* Citrix Browser Plug-in
Test Drive Microsoft Office 2007
So, go ahead and enjoy the thrill of Microsoft Office 2007 Test Drive.

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