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Maintain your Blog with Microsoft Word 2007

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Maintain your BlogDo you have your own Blog and you are tired with his old look? You can try to use Microsoft Word 2007 to change look of you Blog. It is very easy to publish or redesign your favorite Blog to your Blog site using Microsoft’s Word 2007. Using Word 2007, you can literally save tons of time to post a new blog entry or modify an existing blog entry.

Important Note: One issue that we found especially when modifying a blog is that all your pictures are recopied! So, make sure that you go back to your blog site and delete duplicate pictures- We know, it is painful, but a little planning can reduce the number of times you modify your blog. The other option is to make your (minor) changes directly in your blog site. But, the advantage of using Word 2007, to publish your blogs, out beats the pain caused by this issue.

It is extremely easy to blog straight out of Word 2007, here are the detailed instructions:

1. From Word 2007, when you are creating a new document, choose the “New blog post” option,
2. Now Microsoft Word 2007 will prompt you to register a blog account at this time; click the “Register Now” button to continue,
3. Next, choose your blog provider; you can add multiple blog providers- We will show you how to do this later in this blog. For now, just select your favorite provider to continue with the registration process,
4. Next provide your blog’s account information - your blog site address, user name and password- suggest checking the “Remember Password” option; typically, the URL will be your blog address followed by the “/xmlrpc.php”,
5. Next you will provided with options to store any uploaded pictures; select the appropriate option,
6. Next Word prompts with a warning about sending your login/account information to the service provider and that it is possible for others to see that information. Click YES if you comply and if you want to continue; you are done with the registration!
7. You are now ready to create a blog, just like you create any Word document. Once you are done creating a blog all you have to do is Publish your blog. While your blog is being published you will see the following prompt (Image 1).
8. That’s it! Additionally, you can add a category for your blog by clicking the “Category” button. You can also modify your existing Blog Provider information or add additional providers by clicking on the Manage Accounts button
9. Apart from creating new blog entries, you can also open & modify existing blog entries; simply click on the “Open Existing” button- you will then be allowed to select any of the existing blog entries as shown

Hope this was helpful! Blogging is fun and creating and modifying your blog entries should be made easy- Microsoft Word 2007 is an awesome tool to help you do just that. More blog power to you!

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