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LG enV2 spotted in press shots

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LG VX9100LG’s direct sequel to the enV messaging phone has been officially uncovered and suppled with more details. Previously known just as the VX9100, the sequel is likely to be called just the enV2 in public and will have a simpler look than the original (known as the VX9900) with only a small external LCD.

LG VX9100

The new version should also switch to a smaller, standardized USB connection for charging and synchronizing instead of a custom connector. The new version will also ship initially in a maroon in addition to the black that marked the debut of the original, and will adopt a newer hinge design that resembles more recent notebook computers. The previous leak pointed to a 2-megapixel camera (up from 1.3) as well as a microSD slot visible in the new photos.

LG VX9100No release dates are attached to the shots, though the virtually finished state of the phone that would allow press images suggests the phone is within weeks of its official launch.


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