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iPass Provides Wi-Fi Connectivity for Windows Mobile 6 Devices; iPhone and Blackberry Support Planned

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iPass today announced service availability for Windows Mobile 6 devices. Users of the iPass Mobile Office service for enterprises and iPassConnect mobility service for individuals can now connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi using their Windows Mobile 6 smartphone and handheld devices. iPass plans to support the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch later this year and intends to support Wi-Fi-enabled Blackberry devices as well.ipass
With more than 100,000 business-class hotspots worldwide, iPass Wi-Fi connectivity gives smart phone users an alternative to 2.5G and 3G access provided by cellular providers. iPass service auto-detecting available Wi-Fi networks in their area and automatically connecting to their bookmarked locations.

Use of Windows Mobile handhelds in the Mobile Office service is priced at a flat monthly rate for the enterprise based on the number of active users. For individuals in the United States looking for a subscription to the iPassConnect mobility service, pricing information is available at:

via [mobileburn]

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