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Tips to identify a spam mails and email scams.

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Tips to identify a spam mails and email scams.We have some tips to identify whether the mail you received is a part of email scam or
a spam mail. If any of the following conditions are true then the mail you received might
be an email scam or spam mail.
  • If you does'nt know the person who has sent you the message.
  • If you are assured untold sums of money for little or without any effort from your side.
  • If you are asked to provide money up front for questionable activities, a processing fee, or to pay the cost of expediting the process.
  • If you are asked to provide your bank account number or other personal financial information, even if the sender offers to deposit money into it.
  • If the sender request for an immediate action.
  • If The sender frequently requests secret details or other personal details.
  • If the sender offers to send you photocopies of government documents, banking details , or other "proofs" to justify and support their claim (All these might be fake).
So try to implement these tips and save your self from spams and email scams.

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