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Control your Notebook Hardware from System tray menu

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It will be very useful if we are allowed to control the hardwares of computers, and its more important when it comes to notebooks. Here is a free Notebook Hardware Control Software developed by Manfred Jaider.
Notebook Hardware Control Software is very powerful with user a friendly program interface and free for private use.

Great things you can do with Notebook Hardware Control software
  • Control the hardware and system power management
  • Customize the notebook (open source ACPI Control System)
  • Prolong the battery lifetime
  • Cool down the system and reduce power consumption
  • Monitor the hardware to avoid system failure
  • Make your notebook quiet

A large number of users appreciate these advantages and Notebook Hardware Control Software becomes one of the leading programs to control the power and hardware of modern notebooks.
Download Notebook Hardware Control Software.

Software requirement:
Microsoft's .NET Framework Version 2.0


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