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Find Free Wi-Fi/ Wireless Hotspots

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The world is slowly switching to wire free networks from wired ones. So some service providers are ready to provide free Wi-Fi/Wireless network services in many places.

In this scenario, PCWorld and JiWire can help you spot free/paid Wi-Fi/Wireless network service providers in your area. You can search their directory to locate wireless services near to you.
You can also browse by a specific address, a city, state, country, airport or zip code to find nearby access points.
Find Free Wi-Fi/ Wireless Hotspots
I feel, for a better search result you have to provide your exact ZIP/PIN code.

Remember that you may have to create an account of your own for accessing some networks. Also take care of the basic rules and safety tips of using Wireless networks.

Checkout the Wi-Fi /Wireless Hotspots finder.

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