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Protect your PC from viruses, spyware, hackers, and other unwanted intruders

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Latest trial offer from Microsoft to keep your PC safe from viruses, spyware, hackers, and other unwanted intruders, Windows Live OneCare. [ install ]Protect your PC
The trial period is for 90 days, so that users can get a real experience of the security offered by
Windows Live OneCare.

The system requirements for Windows Live OneCare is given below:
  • Microsoft Windows XP (Home Edition, Professional, Media Center Edition, or Tablet PC Edition) with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or Windows Vista (Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate)
  • Windows Internet Explorer 6 or 7 for Windows XP SP2 or higher
  • PC with 300 MHz or faster CPU speed
  • 256 MB of RAM and 600 MB of available hard disk space
  • 56 kbps or faster Internet connection (broadband recommended)
  • CD or DVD burner, external hard drive, or USB-enabled media or storage device required for backup and restore functionality (but not required for installing Windows Live OneCare)
But not so happy news for x64 bit version users of Windows XP and Vista, Windows Live OncCare doesnt support you currently. Don't worry, definitely, they will do it in near future.

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