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Groovy Tel - Receive calls to Gtalk or MSN Messenger from anywhere

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Groovy Tel is a new service from Super Technologies Inc that allows the users of Google Talk, and MSN Messenger to receive phone calls from a regular phone line, anywhere in the world. Super Technologies Inc is a Florida based VOIP Telecom service provider with different suites of services related to retail and wholesale service market.

With the service from Groovy Tel, Google Talk and MSN Messenger users can get a Dedicated Phone Numbers and Receive Phone calls, anywhere in the world, for a very nominal monthly fee.

The sign up on groovy tel is totally free, you can create an account with Groovy tel at no charge. But they charge 3$ a month for a dedicated phone number from US, UK or France. Groovy Tel - Receive calls to Gtalk or MSN Messenger from anywhereThey also provide enhanced call forwarding from a number in particular country to your phone any where in this world which will be charged per minute. For example if you buy a London Number to ring to your USA Mobile, It will cost you 0.029 Cents a min. Also check the rates for other countries.

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