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Google Talk Gadget and New Features for GTalk

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Google came out with a Gadget for its revolutionary Instant Messaging solution GTalk.

You can use this Gadget either by directly adding to your Google Personalized Home Page
or else you can directly add this Gadget to your web page by using the code provided by Google. Get the code
Google Talk
Other newly introduced features of Google Talk Gadget are:
  • Video Preview: If you paste a URL from YouTube the Google Talk Gadget will let you preview the videos in your conversation.
  • Image Preview: Similar to video preview you can have photo preview also if you paste the url for Picasa Web Albums into your Chat.
  • Tab pane for each conversation.
Also for Gtalk you will have:
  • Windows Vista Support:You can now use Google Talk with Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system.
  • BlackBerry device Support: You can get Google Talk on your BlackBerry and chat with your friends on the go for free. You can even keep emailing and playing BrickBreaker while you chat. Download it at

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